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While the growing ball is a really amusing feature to watch happen as the game goes on the game itself feels sort of bland when it comes to visuals. Having the ball change color on collision or some form of brightness helps the players be able to remember the game. Other than that the velocity continuing to reach such a fast pace leaves the player with little to no control, maybe setting different velocities for different sizes so the bigger it is the slower to goes and vice versa. 

The main feature of the game, the growing ball, is a really captivating idea that I haven't seen anyone else do. Not only is it visually satisfying for the player, but it directly alters the gameplay when the ball changes size. I also liked how the game received minimal adjustments in other areas in order to emphasize the growth mechanic. The giant ball would be far less attention-grabbing if there were wholesale changes made to the visuals, controls, etc. However, the ball seems to gain speed extremely quickly - faster than in most other projects. This results in a short gameplay experience where player control means nothing once the ball reaches a certain speed, regardless of size. Giving the ball a much smaller initial size may remedy this problem.